Sleep Better With This One Simple Trick

While driving across town earlier, there was a recurring theme on the radio. The D.J.’s kept talking about sleep problems and various techniques callers used to help with sleep issues. I began to think about how prevalent sleep issues really are in our society.

How often do people have trouble sleeping? All the time. I know I struggle with it. Then again I have young children, one of whom still doesn’t consistently sleep through the night. A full night’s sleep is a rare treasure. Continue reading “Sleep Better With This One Simple Trick”

The Magic in the Waiting

I tend to be a busy person. Always have liked to be on the move, and when I move, I move quickly. Well, that was B.K. (before kids). These past three years, I have struggled to adjust to a slower pace. Such is life with small, cute, but very slow children. While some may say your pace quickens, I feel the opposite. The freedom to just move, to get up and go no longer exists. What took five minutes before (coat, purse, keys, go), now takes half an hour. Coat, purse, keys, diaper bag with diapers, change of clothing, drinks, snacks, games, toys, books, children . . . diaper changes once more before leaving, then returning for the coffee you forgot. You get the idea.

Continue reading “The Magic in the Waiting”

These Tired Feet

I looked down at my toes and saw one red toenail from the pedicure I’d had five months ago and sighed. Whose feet are these, I thought. They can’t be mine. When did my feet turn into these neglected, sad appendages? I’d once taken great care of my feet. I sighed as thought back to regular pedicures and missed my beautician, who I hadn’t seen in months. These days, If I fit one pedicure into a year it was quite the treat. Continue reading “These Tired Feet”

Parents, You’re Not Screwing Up as Much as You Think

Have you ever strived to be the perfect parent? You try and try and feel yourself falling short? I do. All the time. The mom guilt is brutal some days. I’m not feeding my children a hot meal every morning, they don’t get organic whole foods every time. I lose my patience and yell. (I mean, I said it three times already and they didn’t listen!)

Continue reading “Parents, You’re Not Screwing Up as Much as You Think”

Happiness Key No. Five, Forget Happiness, Choose Peace

Click on the image to watch this week’s video on my Facebook page.

Hello everyone. Katie Wheeler here coming to you live with week five of my five keys to happiness video series. If you missed any of the previous four weeks when I talked about perspective, choosing your thoughts, the magic of less, and the art of selfishness, you can catch up on my Facebook page under videos. Thank you for watching today’s key, forget happiness, choose peace. Continue reading “Happiness Key No. Five, Forget Happiness, Choose Peace”